Forensic Archaeology
Forensic Archaeology is a specialised area that deals with the search and recovery of deceased persons and associated potential evidence should a crime have been committed.
Dr Louise Steding combines criminology and forensic archaeology in search and recovery methods. Her work involves landscape modification recognition, interview transcript analysis, use of ground penetrating radar, excavation method selection, and human bone recognition.
Forensic Archaeology in the Search for Missing Persons
by Dr Louise Steding

Published in 2021, Louise is the author of Forensic Archaeology in the Search for Missing Persons, in which she combines her knowledge, experiences, and skills. Her focus is on the adaptation of search techniques, excavation methods, sieving, and soil sampling of clandestine burials
In particular, Louise has excavated some fifty skeletonised individuals. She has also had success in identifying the locations of three missing persons, as well as uncovering tyre marks and bullets in a separate events.
Whether recovery is in bushland, on the beach or in Rookwood Cemetery Dr Steding assists police, health officials and / or families by liaising, advising, and writing methodologies appropriate to circumstances and upholding standards of her profession.
Please note: No skeletal remains on this website are from Aboriginal people nor are they recent in nature. Photographs of human bone on this site date from the 17th Century to 5500 years ago, are European in geographic origin and originate from the work of Dr Steding.